My Popop was known for his bright red shoes. So we all wore bright colored shoes in honor of him! Was a beautiful day celebrating my most incredible Popop!! (Tracy)
Matteo caught his first fish. Off the pier. The pier was super busy with fisherman and other people getting ready for some event tonight. My boy was so excited (loud) that by the time he pulled the fish onto the pier everyone had stopped to watch the 7-year-old pull his first fish up. To which everyone then applauded for him!! This is exactly what my Matteo needed today!!! (Tracy)
40th Anniversary. We peaked: Mt. Pinos. Got high, too: 8,848 feet. Great little getaway to Pine Mountain. Pics: (bonus points for looking through to the geology notes).
Glasses. We new it was inevitable with the amount of laser surgery he had but managed to get by until today! I think he is seeing the world in a while new way. He hasn't taken them off yet! #preemiepower#ex25weeker#preemiesgrowingstrong (Tracy)
Great trip to LA, little David will be in glasses super soon; but both boys have healthy retinas - yeah! A great time was had by all, including the shared lollipop and movie on the way home. (Lynn)