Friday, April 30, 2021

Day 414

I guess I got but one photo today - of Lynn's quilt puzzle. Her quote of the day, "It's a lot easier than actual quilting!"

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Day 413

Sushi Ato for lunch with Matt, Nana, and Papa! Otherwise a pretty normal school, doctor, therapy, feeding tube day. One very odd thing... Lynn started a puzzle! Could be a first.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Day 412

AJ and Papa continued the Wingspan game. AJ's computer arrived. Nana and David continued on with geometry. Lexi and Jonnie had their swimming lesson.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Day 411

The morning walk to school turned into quite an adventure into the world of snakes. Well, snake dwellings, maybe. The rocks just above AJ's foot mark the entrance to a den of snakes, apparently. Or so we're told. There was no snake this morning. But we did have a good time going to school a whole different way. AJ and Papa walked all the way down to the corner beyond the school which is roughly where the snake den is. Nana dropped off the three littles right there, then we all walked back up and on top of the hill to get to the Elementary building. It was Horse PT day for David at Stable Strides. He's always so quiet about it but seems to love it. Despite the threatening weather, AJ had a baseball game today and did very well as a player. He got a couple hits and scored at home sliding in (see pic below). And before bed, he wanted to get in another game of expanded Wingspan. We barely got into the 2nd (of 4) rounds to a game, but it looked liked Papa was catching on to the nectar food and tucking cards. We'll see when we continue... Many thanks to Jamey and Megan for this Christmas present! It's Jamey's company, Stonemaier Games, that makes Wingspan.

Northeast corner of North Gate and Old North Gate

Behind a monument sign near the snakes.

Great pic, Matt!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Day 410

Lexi joined Papa and AJ for the walk to school this morning. More dandelions! The twins have one more day of homeschooling (due to a quarantine). Nana got 'em through what they needed, which today included "what's a rhombus?" Nana and Papa took the twins to lunch at El Padrino Mexicano. It's been a very long time since the twins have been there, if at all. And again, we thought they ordered more food than they could ever eat, but they did!  We spent much of the meal listening to Jonnie explain all the places he wants to eat for his next birthday (months away). Jamie discovered a new favorite combo: Mexican Firecrackers (fried jalapeno slices), chili con queso with spicy sausage, and chips. Put that together! The gang finished off the Dump Cake as an after-school snack and/or dessert (different strokes for different kids). AJ wanted to try the expansion set to Wingspan (which has been sitting silent since Christmas), so he and Jamie busted it out, read the added rules, set it up, and played a full game. Some very nice adds to the base game! AJ won. He's ruthless with the tuck cards and he quickly mastered the value of the new nectar food.

More dandelions on the walk to school.

Last day of home schooling for the twins.

El Padrino's

Jamie's new fave.

During Torah Time

Lexi played around the Wingspan players.

Wingspan, with the new Oceania Expansion Pack

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Day 409

Sunday morning was all about TimberCreek Church, as usual. The afternoon and evening included more pieces to AJ's very extended birthday weekend. Today, it was Olive Garden and making dump cake. While about half of us had a good time at Olive Garden, the other half didn't. They've got such a screwy reservation system/policy that we would have had to wait over 30 more minutes after showing up for our appointed time and Tracy couldn't see doing that with the five littles so she and Fina (and the five) aborted Olive Garden. The good news, though, it was "the best meal of my life" for AJ: unlimited breadsticks with alfredo sauce, calamari, and cheese pizza with alfredo sauce. Maybe we should call him Alfredo. To be clear, kudos to the waiter, boo-hiss to the front desk (cost the company 7 meals). Then on to dump cake. AJ wanted to "do it all" with only supervision from an adult. And that's the way it went down! That is good stuff, and with a la mode to boot!

I don't think I've ever seen candles in the ice cream before...
It was pretty cool.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Day 408

It was a HUGE day. First up was a birthday breakfast for AJ. You know, where you can eat all your favorite sugary cereals, have donuts, etc. It's a hoot! And open a few presents. AJ was hoping for a laptop, he got a LeapTop; a pretty funny Mom-prank (a real laptop is coming). Next up was AJ's baseball picture day and a game. Then a trip to the shooting range with Dad for AJ. Matteo chose to go to a friend's birthday party at Sky Zone (indoor trampolines). Both had a grand time as you might imagine. By mid-afternoon, the Compound's focus was totally on tonight's Prom 2021. Decorating and setup continued unabated till the first ring of the doorbell. You'll have to ask Fina for a link to the photo gallery (which won't be ready for a day or so).

A LeapTop! He gave it to Lexi.

AJ's team is "The Yard Goats"

Prom prep

It will soon be time to change these out; we hope.

Prom prep

Prom is winding down

Friday, April 23, 2021

Day 407

Last day of online school for the twins (who have been quarantined out of school all week)! Lexi joined Papa and AJ for the walk to school this morning. She was quite taken by all the dandelions along the way, mostly those on "Dandelion Hill" as she calls it (along North Gate just down from Silverton). Jamie's horse volunteering today at Flying Horse Foundation included mounted work with the kids for the first time. Tonight's movie: The Zookeeper's Wife (another excellent real-lifer).

The day's opening activity.

From "Dandelion Hill"

Matt had grilled sausages to go with these shishito peppers.

Last day of online school (quarantined).

Looks like fire in the sky, too. Cramming in a little more
Torah at fireside before Shabbat starts (at sunset). Of course,
Torah study is perfectly acceptable on Shabbat,
but not fire building (so no cigar, either).

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Day 406

The twins were promised lunch at Buttermilk Restaurant if they did well on their school work in the morning. They did; we went! Jonnie was grinning the whole time and boy, did they pack the food away. Dessert, too! I guess they do like this place. David and I got some tic-tac-toe in as well. Our waitress remembered us having breakfast there a few weeks ago on the way to the Royal Gorge Railroad. Fina (and Mom and Nana) continued with Prom Prep; two days to go! Nana spent parts of the last couple of days organizing our bathroom cabinets and drawers. We can find stuff now. Nana and Papa went to Cheap Date Improv Night at the school; always a hoot!

School for the quarantined twins.

See the ice around the hose? The rocks are ice-encased, too.

Another ice sculpture by the fountain.

Prom prep. It'll be at the house Saturday night.

At Buttermilk!

Waffle, ice cream, strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream.

Lasted 4 minutes.

Cabinet organizing.

Cheap Date Night Improv. Fina is seated far right.

Jonnie preps his place setting at Buttermilk.