Monday, December 30, 2024

CA Christmas

Lynn and Jamie spent nearly to weeks visiting the California family. Of course, we managed to hit quite a few of our favorite spots. All the public pics are here.

Saw a SpaceX launch.

Lure Fish House

Santa Barbara Zoo

Santa Barbara Zoo. New Walkabout path.

Ember Restaurant - always a hit!

Morro Bay

Amaryllis is really cool. The six pictures on the table are
puzzles we put together during a Family Dinner at home.

And the Elf on a Shelf was a hoot.

Hitching Post (Casmalia)

Six Test Kitchen - always a hit!

Daou Winery

Rod and Hammer's Distillery

PCPA - Beauty and the Beast

Arriving at SLO airport

Lopez Lake

Saw some cool stuff from the air

Friday, December 6, 2024

Searching for Santa

Nana, Papa, Fina, Greg, and Matteo saw "Searching for Santa" tonight. The show was the world premier of this musical written by a local writer/musician, Joshua Franklin-Wolfe, and produced by the Colorado Springs Conservatory in conjunction with the Colorado College music department. Antonio plays Charlie, a rather naughty elf with a redemptive ending.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Thanksgiving in KC

The whole clan hopped in four vehicles and headed for Kansas City to spend Thanksgiving with family, the Plaza, Crown Center, the Federal Reserve Bank, etc. All the photos are here.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Elf the Musical, Jr.

It was something of an all-play again. Antonio played Buddy. Matteo played Mr. Greenway. Lexi played a North Pole Elf and Narwhal. Tracy worked backstage and mics. Nana helped with some of the gifts and made "show star ornaments." And Vicki came out from Kansas City to see it all!