Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 33

Back to school. Chick-fil-A for lunch, hot dog smorgasbord board for dinner. Connected with Village Arts today to be part of Voices Beyond the Veil. Lynn might join as well. Also might be involved in a game show test production after the stay-at-home is over. Lots of theater stuff popping up. Tonight's movie: Meet the Parents.

Hot dog smorgasbord

Circus elephants

Fina got some tapping in with Miss Bethany.

Nana's asking, "and why does your hair stand up?"

Plate Tectonics

They still raise their hands.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 32

Snowed all day and got to single digits overnight. We kinda like this day between Sunday and a school day. Have we gotten rid of "Mondays"?! The kids continued playing with some of the Easter toys, and devices, etc. Nana and Papa's new kitchen table arrived today (sans chairs) so the old "high-top" went downstairs to be a game table. Tracy made a Costco run today which turned out to be a good idea. The weather kept the store way empty. She's managed to get the job done with once-every-two-week trips to Costco! A big hit today was directed drawing online that Nana found. It was carbonara re-run for lunch and steaks and ceasar salad for dinner. Tonight's movie: Crazy Rich Asians.

Otrio's Tic Tac Toe is pretty fun.

They can follow their cars on a phone app!

"Old" kitchen table now downstairs for games.

Prepping/Packaging the Costco meats.

New kitchen table. Not the right chairs yet.

Directed drawing online.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 31: Easter

Despite being locked in at home, the Regusci Family decked out for Easter Sunday morning. Looking sharp! We all watched the TimberCreek online service then eased through the day with Easter baskets, Easter egg hunt, with intervals of playing with the stuff in between. Carbonara, ceasar salad, and garlic bread for lupper (3pm). Daytime movies were Cheaper by the Dozen 1 & 2. Evening movies were Father of the Bride 1 & 2. All the day's photos are here.

AJ jamming with the music.

Matteo helped with the carbonara.

Kid activities during the service

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 30: At the Beach

What a hoot! Fina turned the family room into an ocean-side beach! Complete with sand and surf, umbrella and towels, coves, pirate ship, and mist from the surf. This is definitely my favorite Stay-at-Home display of creativity and fun (so far). All while Beach Boys music played! The rest of Day 30 is here,

The big reveal, just like Christmas morning.

Compound Coves

The Pirate Ship

Surfin' USA

Let's bury Mom in the sand!

All he needs is an adult beverage

In the Compound Coves

The dogs loved the trip to the beach, too.

Day 30

I made a little video this morning using photos from 2018 and 2019 Air Force Thunderbird shows for the Air Force Academy's graduation. This year there will be no show, just a graduation flyover, on April 18th. Beautiful day today. Good thing, the next three days are cold and snowy. Fina got very creative today, found all kinds of ways to go swimming despite the pool being closed. The Colorado Springs Quilt Guild just passed 1,500 masks donated. Did you know Disney Parks released their churro recipe (at Disney Parks blog, or just the PDF)! Tonight's movies: What Women Want and What Men Want. Don't miss Fina's Day 30 at the Beach.

Our annual cigar on the new patio today. 60s today, cold and snowy tomorrow.

Making Disney "Churro Tots."

Gives the best knee massage.

The sprinkler was going full force.

She had quite an audience, too.

Three areas to Nala-proof.