Sunday, October 11, 2020

Day 213

Turned out to be a cooler day with a great deal of wind. The moment the TimberCreek Kids folks got to the DCC Canyon it became clear that Sunday School was not going to happen out there. Fortunately, there was a backup plan - the auxiliary gym. And that worked very well. Breaking from many after-church lunch traditions, we went to the Club. Well, everyone went but the boys who weren't feeling well. While we were at church, Lexi built the play area for the baby (pictured at the bottom). Nana stayed home from church with most of the kids. Matteo's church youth group met at our house tonight.

TimberCreek Kids

Lexi at the Club for lunch

Lexi built this play area for the baby.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Day 212

The twins had a soccer game today. Unfortunately, David is benched until he's out of the two leg casts (wicked weapons in soccer, I hear). But Jonny was out there giving the other guys grief. He's quite serious about marking up. Jamie did a Parlor Car Chat today on the Bailey Yard, the Golden Spike Tower, and Great Acts of Kindness - all in North Platte, NE. Following the soccer game, Tracy took all the kids home while Matt, Nana, and Papa visited the Lucky Dumpling for lunch. Matt's first time, our second; forgot how good it was. Matt and the boys finished up the first season of The Mandalorian this evening in preparation for the first episode of season two coming out just before Halloween. 

When the dogs need peace and understanding.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Day 211

Second no-school day (except Matteo). So, among other things, out came the Wingspan game. We didn't finish the game, it remains on the table for tomorrow. Beautiful weather today, so some of the kids got some outside time. Horse day for Jamie. He got temporarily re-assigned to a new group that was just starting today that had only one staff person available. It was a group of older boys (teens).

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Day 210

HOCO2020! (HOmeCOming Party 2020.) The big day has arrived! The whole day was spent prepping. The great news is that everyone came (I think) and had a wonderful time. In the meantime, Lexi sorts number and alphabet blocks, Tracy puzzles, and Nana and Papa take the boys miniature golfing, get Chick-Fil-A, and serve up strawberry sundaes for an evening treat. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Day 209

Matteo is the first one to leave for school in the morning, by an hour. He's taken to making breakfast for himself, and for Lexi (who often gets up early), and even for the other sibs who happen to get up early enough, too. Nana, Papa, and Matteo went to Basil & Barley Pizzeria Napoletana. He had one of the best "pepperoni" pizzas I've seen and tasted (extremely thin-cut meat). Also learned that a Limoncello Martini and a Limoncello Long Island are pretty good, too. Oh, and don't miss the pesto lasagna. The popcorn pictured at the end below is for Fina's Homecoming Party tomorrow evening which is now full steam ahead. Most of the adults watched the VP debate; Jamie listened to Prager's lectures on Exodus 21.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Day 208

Happy Dance! Fina's cohort's COVID test can back "un-detected." The Homecoming Party is on! Another great brunch at Buttermilk. Matteo came home (after a dodgeball after-school activity) with a Samaritan's Purse Christmas Child box. This looks like fun! Jamie's God Is Good course finished up with the Ten Commandments this evening. Recordings and slides-notes from all sessions are available at the link. Reminder: schedule a mini-golf outing with Jonny (he is dying to go).

Monday, October 5, 2020

Day 207

Back to school Monday. Homecoming Party prep continues; they are go unless a positive COVID test erupts. The baby keeps playing. Lunch was from a new pizza place that we like: Parry’s Pizzeria & Taphouse. Tracy ran up to Denver today to ship off MRIs to Dr. Grant (Stanford). And Lynn got a clean bill of health from a cardiac specialist checking up on a potential hereditary issue. AJ joined Papa at the fire again tonight. They chatted mostly about the immensity of the universe and about rovers sent to Mars. AJ explained (correctly) why the moon looks so much bigger than the stars even though the stars are much bigger than the moon.

Basket Case