Friday, February 26, 2021

Day 351

Went over to Mission Coffee Roasters the other day. Tried the first brewing this morning. Good stuff! Turns out they supply coffee for TimberCreek Church (until we couldn't do coffee service 'cause of COVID). Lexi's class got all decked out for school today as "old people" for their 100 Days celebration. Nana added spaghetti squash to Matt's all-day-simmering marinara sauce! Jamie got two Torah sessions in today; less than 15 hours to go! And a slice of cheesecake for bedtime.

Along the walk to school with AJ.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Day 350

Snow Day! Which also means shoveling day. And wet dogs when they come in, particularly Nala. Most of the day was dedicated to prepping for tonight's TimberCreek Church staff Christmas party (well it was supposed to be a Christmas party but got pushed out a couple months). Charcuterie, kabobs, rice pilaf, salad, bread galore (from the Pilates instructor), cheesecake, and lots of fun with the coffee machine.

What did we do?!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Day 349

Sorry, no pics. Pretty standard Wednesday. Lots of grocery shopping and gathering up for the TimberCreek Church staff "Christmas" party tomorrow night. Have you seen my Torah Time webpage?...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Day 348

Close to a typical school day... Except Jonnie is home under quarantine and David came home sick (he actually had a temp of 101.5!). So that means no horses for David today, either. Lynn took Jamie to Mardel's for the first time. Quite the store, and oh yes, he managed to get a few things (see below). They included a stop at Cold Stone Creamery, too. Lexi had a "semi-private" (by accident) tennis lesson with Hudson! Matt sauteed up a fabulous steak and mushroom sauce for dinner. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Day 347

Jonnie's on one week of quarantine. Seems the one other kid or the teacher in his resource group had a potential exposure. Nana's got the school part covered. Another pretty full week of therapy sessions for the foster kids began in earnest today. Beautiful weather, into the 60s. Jamie put in two Torah sessions outside! 

Neither of the lamp shadows is from the lamp in the picture.

Baba Ghanoush!
Lynn made a fabulous batch, despite the tiny amount.
Ten eggplants next time. Recipe.
We think the smoked paprika was the kicker.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Day 346

The girls left for church at the earliest, 7:30am. Then Jamie at 8:30am. The rest of the clan didn't make it as one of the foster kids was sick. This was the first day of the "merger" when all the Heights folks showed up. The 9:30am service and Kids department were packed, way more than double. Jamie tried to pitch his Torah Time small group but didn't meet with much interest. Pork and Brussels Sprouts for dinner, though Jamie didn't make it as his vaccine shot apparently caught up with him today, somewhat.

Leftover birthday stuff

Pitching Torah Time at the Groups table


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Day 345

We celebrated the foster kids' second birthday this morning! Tracy and crew continued prep work for tomorrow's TimberCreek Kids activities. Jamie ran a Parlor Car Chat this morning where Rob presented on an SMVRR Excursion to the Huntington Library in 2014. Jamie also is drafting up a webpage for his Torah Time group(s): here. Matt whipped up a beautiful salmon dish for the adults and also some vegetable stew and meats for everyone else.

Birthday Breakfast

TimberCreek Kids prep work

Lots of fresh veggies around the house these days