Friday, May 28, 2021

Day 442

Mostly a prep day. Matteo is prepping for his end-of-school-year party tomorrow that he's throwing for his classmates, including making a few batches of sugar cookies. Prep also continues for Lexi's party this weekend. Reins were introduced to the equine students at Flying Horse Foundation today. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Day 441

Pool day! This is generally how we spend our summer. Also, another big day for AJ on the baseball field. Today's biggy was tagging a runner out while playing third base. Tagging a runner out is a rather rare phenomenon in little league. Proper Detailing started in on our car's ceramic coating today (it's a 3-day process followed by a week of curing).

Back at you, Pitch.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Day 440

AJ cooked the dino nuggets for the kids' lunch. It was graduation day at the Air Force Academy, so the Thunderbirds did their thing! Jamie took Tracy down to the Mercedes dealership to pick up their new Lexus (yes, that's right), and he had some time to kill before his First Company Theater board meeting. So, let's check out Old Depot Square (finally, first time in almost 4 years being here). It's on S. Sierra Madre Street downtown north of Colorado Ave. Pretty cool, and looks like three good restaurants plus a miscellany of other businesses. The Pikes Peak "N" Gineers, an N-scale model railroad group, have their clubhouse there. He chose to try Track Ten Urban Kitchen which turned out great from the cucumber ice water to the smoky old-fashioned ("Centennial State") to the Oso Bucco, roasted asparagus, and really good spicy mashed potatoes (caraway seeds?). Brakeman's Burgers and the Sandwich Depot look good, too. And AJ had a killer baseball game tonight; lots of hitting and scoring.

The theater room is most often the game room.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Day 439

Matteo's penultimate school day (we got a kick out of that word). One of the foster twins had a little outpatient surgery today. That kept Tracy busy much of the day, and Nana busy at home. AJ and Papa spent a few hours at the pool. He's already got a cadre of friends for the summer over there. Tennis day for Lexi. Nana and Papa got on the phone with Vickie and Rob to continue planning for New Mexico next week. I haven't mentioned our series/movies watching lately; we're still watching 24.


Monday, May 24, 2021

Day 438

Summer is officially here. DCC is out for the year so off to the pool on a Monday! All kinds of firsts for the season which we're all very excited about. Complete with a flyover by the Thunderbirds doing their site survey for their Wednesday AFA graduation show. The TimberCreek Church folks threw a little ice cream sundae party for Tracy to celebrate and thank her for leading the Kids Ministry. She has pulled back from that spot in order to go full force at her nursing degree.

Pondering when to transplant...

The water cannons are Jonnie's favorite

The first gin and tonic of summer!

And the first slip and fall at the pool

The Thunderbirds are in town for
Wednesday's graduation at the Air Force Academy

Thank you, Tracy!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Day 437

Tracy was honored this morning at church for having served as Children's Director for the last year or so. She's stepping back from that to get her RN degree. We hopped and skipped our way to Vaqueros for lunch while getting Fina and AJ to rehearsal times. Fina put in a few hours, and AJ was there for about 8 hours. He's very excited about hitting Kurt's big note in "So Long, Farewell." Meanwhile, Papa and Matteo went fishing at Palmer Lake. Four trout! And Carl's Jr on the way home for dinner. Jamie started in on Nehama Leibowitz's book on Exodus (New Studies in Shemot/Exodus). Some fascinating nuggets but mostly over his head for now; it'll just take some time and effort to get a grip. The layout/approach is unfamiliar, she references unfamiliar material, and she really gets into the nitty-gritty of the language.

Note the train in the background.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Day 436

Another huge day for AJ, starting with a reunion for his 2019/2020 year at School in the Woods. Despite being cut short by COVID, it was a tremendous experience I don't think he'll ever stop talking about. Their reunion today included a hike to many of the favorite spots on the property out in Black Forest. Then directly to a baseball game followed by 6 hours or so of Sound of Music rehearsal. Nana and Papa took Fina over to part of that same rehearsal for Sound of Music and stopped by Bad Daddy's Burgers for dinner while we waited. Oh, and Jamie attended the Friends of the SMVRR's Gala by Zoom between taxi service duties.

AJ's SITW Tile (#51)

Buttermilk Fried Bacon and Fried Jalapeno Deviled Eggs!