Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Happenings Lately

A new game, Tetris! Reading time (every day). And puzzle time sneaks back into the schedule.

Friday, July 8, 2022

4th of July Seder

We've missed a few Friday Night Dinners lately due to travelers. Tonight was supposed to be "Do not steal," but instead we tried out Prager's 10-minute 4th of July Seder. Hit the spot! All you need to know is on his website, here. Additionally, here are a couple other pieces you might appreciate having: the Declaration for all to sign, God Bless America lyrics (12 sets to a page), and a Young Readers sheet (all on one page to be passed around amongst the readers). We found this YouTube video to lead the singing. Everyone got a stack of all the U.S. coins from a penny to a dollar. We checked each for the American Trilogy: Liberty, In God We Trust, and E Pluribus Unum. That might have been the favorite activity of the Seder. Dinner followed with make-your-own pizzas, a fan favorite.

Friday Night Dinner Topics Board.
Next week is "Do not steal."

We used the current flag (right) and the
"Star-Spangled Banner" (left) from Fort McHenry.

A rousing chorus of God Bless America

Earlier out back.

Monday, July 4, 2022

4th of July Monument Parade

The Gilmans hosted Lynn and Jamie at a parade-side picnic table via Trails End Taproom; great spot! Thank you, Gilmans! The crowd was estimated at 10-15,000 people, and we believe it. We'd never seen such traffic in little ol' Monument. Perfect Americana small-town Independence Day parade. All the photos are here.



And automobiles!
Gotta have the Shriners in the little cars!

Fina is working at the Colorado Renaissance Festival!

A local successful robotics team.

Hey, we know the one on the right!

Had never seen/heard an Honor Bell before.

Guess who we "met"?
Heidi's running for Governor.

Our picnic table provider was in the
parade. And we sat at a picnic table
just like the one on the trailer!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Gibguscis at the Gaylord

Some good friends from California joined the Regusci clan at the Gaylord Rockies Resort for the 4th of July weekend. They did a day trip to Winter Park today - great fun! All this despite dodging thunderstorms all day. In the photos below, you'll wonder what took us into the boonies. We were delivering the foster kids' blankets to them at their new home.

Winter Park

Winter Park

Resting in a field out in the boonies.
With a For Sale sign...

Heavy rain and hail at times at home today.

Winter Park

Heading up the mountain at Winter Park.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Star-Spangled Banner

We finally got a larger flag pole mounted to the house to display a U.S. flag. Tracy had bought a mountable pole soon after we got to Colorado Springs (5 years ago) but we'd never put it up - till today. What motivated Papa was his new 15-star flag from Fort McHenry...

It's the "Star-Spangled Banner," the 15-star flag that flew over Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. It's the flag Francis Scott Key saw the morning after the attack on Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 that inspired him to write our national anthem. There were actually 18 states at the time, but the making of a new flag to account for new states had not yet happened. In addition to 15 stars, there were 15 stripes. At one point they planned for one stripe for each state as well as one star but gave that up soon after this flag and went back to 13 stripes as it is today. It can also be recognized by a red stripe bordering the blue field at the bottom; on today's flag, a white stripe borders the bottom of the blue. It's "spangled" because the stars are all mixed in their orientations (they're all oriented the same way on subsequent flags). We visited Fort McHenry on our recent trip to Baltimore and saw the actual Star-Spangled Banner from Fort McHenry at the Smithsonian's American History Museum on the Mall in DC.

All of our Fort McHenry photos start here.

Fort McHenry from a water taxi.

A replica we unfurled at the fort.

Proudly flying next to Matt's office window.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Baltimore - Thunderstorms

We successfully picked up Fina today from Johns Hopkins. While Fina shared stories from the week, we did some final grocery shopping for tonight and tomorrow's return home. We also headed to the Fell's Point area for a little shopping at Lush, lunch, and a sailboat ride (yes, again, for Fina). But alas, thunderstorms moved into the area and our boat ride was canceled. But we did have a fun lunch at the Loch Bar. Then home for a little binging on Stranger Things! Early to bed as we have a 4am departure to Washington Dulles airport tomorrow morning. The day's photos start here.


Loch Bar

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Baltimore - Duck Duck Goose / Charleston

It was a day of rest... And food! Breakfast at Duck Duck Goose and a fabulous 3-hour dinner at Charleston. All the day's photos are here.

They got it done minutes later.

Duck Duck Goose

Sagamore Sun-Ryes


Fina (left) and her foursome at Johns Hopkins