Saturday, June 10, 2023

Casting their lines at Palmer Lake

Matt took some of the boys fishing at Palmer Lake today. And Remi caught his first fish!

"Stop the Presses"

Or, "She's not My Type," by Tim Kelly. We've been workin' on this melodrama show since Nana and I got back from our Kansas City trip in March. We did the show twice at a fundraiser for the John Wesley Ranch (this weekend) and then once at each of two senior care centers this coming week. First Company.

6/16/23 at Brookdale Senior Living.

Sleazy Tab Lloyd
"I'm exhausted. I better decompose myself."

After our last rehearsal. It's been a very stormy week.

All "set" at the John Wesley Ranch.

These three came up to see the show Friday evening, and
had at least as much fun with the tire swing out back!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Lexi Softball: Fast Week!

That was a fast week! Lexi introduction to softball at DCC came to a close this morning. Coach: "What's your favorite sport?!" Kids: "Softball!!!"

Monday, June 5, 2023

Lexi Tries Softball

Lexit attended her first softball clinic this morning at the school! She's in that group on the right. The high school girl's softball team and a couple of their coaches are running the week-long clinic.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Forte Handbells

Exceptional handbell ringing! I would never have believed such ringing was possible had I not seen and heard it myself! Forte Handbells Quartet. Their rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus is musically solid and a lot of fun to watch.

The concert was held in the First Baptist Church
downtown Colorado Springs.

The guy on the right is bowing (like a violin) a set of chimes.
That's a new one! The hair of the bow is drawn across
the top/end of each chime.

A bell tree.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

A Fishing Derby

Matteo, AJ, and Griffen attended a Fishing Derby held by the Lions Club today at Palmer Lake. We just learned of this event yesterday while fishing at the same lake via a banner they had posted there. Matteo actually won "Longest Fish." It rained the entire time, and they actually called a halt early due to the rain.

Our three are in the pinkish circle right of center.

I don't see trains stopped on this mainline bridge very often.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Thunderbirds at the AFA Graduation

 It's always a hoot to watch the Thunderbirds! Even if it took an hour to get out of the parking lot. Thanks to Colorado Mountain Brewery for the great lunch and parking space! A few more photos are here.