Saturday, March 9, 2019

More from the Archives

Here's some more interesting stuff from the archives. Funny thing is, I can't find what I'm looking for (Skeptic Tank logo, shirt, or anything).

Tracy's Odyssey of the Mind team that went to World Finals.
Yes, that's the Harry Shum of Glee fame, etc.

Nana and Papa's first house on Belinder Avenue in Westwood, KS.
Late 1970s.

Jamie's Mom, Dad, sister Vickie, spouses, and the first 3 cousins.

Friday, March 8, 2019

All-State Choir

Fina sang with the Colorado Middle School All-State Choir 2019 this evening. She spent yesterday and all day today in Denver prepping for the concert after having memorized the music long before. Auditions were quite a while ago. Tracy and Matt drove up this evening for the concert at Bellco Theatre.

Dr. Quinn Medicine Women

I found a batch of photos today from 1997 when Tracy spent her 9th grade year on the set of the TV show Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman being the nanny to the triplets playing Dr. Quinn's baby. The set was on Paramount Ranch just off Highway 101 not far from Thousand Oaks, CA. What caught my eye going through the pics was the one with "Colorado Springs" on the sign. I had no recollection of the setting. And now we're here/there! Too bad there wasn't a shot of the locomotive in the batch I found.

While we were there, we actually got to watch them film a couple scenes. One was outside in the town's main street where there were all kinds of townspeople milling about, horses and carriages ambling by, etc. I don't how many times they reset everyone, horses and all, and took the shot again. The other scene we watched was in a bedroom in a house. Very tiny room, and we were back in the corner watching all kinds of tech people, equipment, and the actors doing a scene not 3 feet from us. Action!

Tracy did end up on screen one time as an extra in a town barn dance scene. I remember watching that episode very intently, and sure enough, there she was!

Tracy and Papa Bill at the depot

Tracy and her Dad.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Through the Looking Glass

Or, in this case, through the trash can. At Target.

Tracy: At Target looking for a bucket to put light sabers and swords in. Turn around to this. #whereisfinagoing? #canttake13yearsoldanywhere

Jamie: Probably expecting to pop into some magical kingdom through the bottom...

Bethanny: So *this* is what happens when Alice goes to Target during Easter bunny season!

Matthew: Maybe Tracy was doing something crazy at Target and Fina was hiding her head like an ostrich

Bethanny: Also a very real possibility...

Jennifer D.: Why does this seem totally normal for your Family? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Lynn: Jennifer D., you have us pegged!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Imagine That... More Snow

Snow day, no school! We got another 4" of snow, or so, over the weekend. Getting real good at shoveling! It was actually fairly pleasant on the deck this afternoon at 28 degrees.

Lovin' how the sidewalks get plowed first!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Dinner and a Show

Lynn and I headed for dinner at Odyssey Gastropub downtown and then on to Springs Ensemble Theatre to see The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. I thought about auditioning for this show, but chose Sister Act instead (impossible to do both). Thoroughly enjoyed the pub, and especially nice with Monday night pricing we had the whole enchilada from cocktails to dessert for about $90 (tax, tip and all). And thoroughly enjoyed the show as well!

How's that for the lighting at the pub?!

Chocolate chip cookie cooked in a waffle iron with ice cream and caramel.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Woodworking Kits

The twins went at their first woodworking kits today. The instructions weren't the best in the world, but everyone seemed to have fun anyway.