Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 17

Breakfast of waffles thanks to Tracy's hankerin'. We attended church online again; that's Fina giving the service a woop-woop. Fina made her own boba (made what?). AJ got the mail using his motorcycle. Today's game was Monopoly: Ultimate Bank edition. Progress continues on Tracy's puzzle. And Fina carts some groceries in the 2nd bag she made (with Nana). I hear the boys are going out for some ping pong (50 degrees, better not be windy). It's grilled chicken for dinner. And even the dogs are napping heavily. Tonight's movies: Heat and Tag. We closed the day with a little French bubbly.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 16

Matt whipped up eggs sunny side up, cheese and bacon omelettes, and fried polenta (remember Day 14) for breakfast. Nana and the boys finished up the quilt they've been working on, so off to the quilter hopefully today (porch drop). Lexi asked me what my favorite color was - green. So she drew me the picture below of me (top left) and here (top right) in an alpine forest, I think. Nana and Fina worked on a second tote bag while watching another Hunger Games movie. Fina got into toilet decorating and the boys continued with big screen game playing.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 15

First day of the 3rd week. We're definitely hanging in there. Scroll down through the pics for a gander at what we were up to today. We had ice cream delivered this evening! And tonight's movies? Hunger Games 1 and 2.

Monopoly by cards.

SITW tomatoes are doing very well.

Quilt work continued

Lynn's new sewing room became a beehive, momentarily.

Fina spent much of the day doing song parodies

The new ping pong table got a little workout.

The twins love these magnetic blocks. Been using for years.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 14

Sorry, not many pics. Still in the middle of Spring break, which just means the kids don't have as much school stuff to do as "normal." There's still 30 minutes of reading and math stuff, but after that it's just enrichment, and games, and devices. Matt decided it was time to make polenta. Afterall, it's been 30-some years. And it must have beef stew to go with. The Shutterfly photobook of Cheap Date arrived today! And we dropped Megan's off next door; they loved it. All the pillows for the new patio furniture arrived, too, along with some liquid soap.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 13

We did our first drive-by-a-teachers-house to pick up a packet. I'm expecting a music drop-off to accompany a video of last year's Stations of the Cross that I'm making for this Easter season. Nana had quite a bit of help assembling the last Adirondack chair for the front garden area (note that weeping spruce in the background!). There were more Easter Rocks painted and even a few hidden in the backyard. And card games. And baseball throwing practice. And Fina decided to tackle making her own bag. Oh, and AJ received his first MEL Chemistry kit in the mail and Tracy got a supplies package for what she's got cookin' for TimberCreek Kids this Easter. If you hadn't caught on yet, the photos in these "DAY X" posts aren't necessarily in chronological order.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 12

I know it's Day 12, but it might as well have been Day 13 for as weird as it was. Nana successfully commandeered the kids for some housecleaning. Bribery. A few quarters and Starbucks. But Starbucks screwed up the order. AJ's order. Which didn't sit well and from which we never really did recover despite Tracy going back to get the correct drink. Dinosaurs were fighting in the kids' hallway. We had Rice Krispy Treats for dinner. We did have Chick-fil-a for lunch, and actually got more than we bargained for as they gave us another Jamie's order and then couldn't take it back. It was OK, though, plenty of food and on our way there Matt mailed a package and we got restocked on booze. Little did we know how much that would help. I got two pages of story/photos posted on the Friends of the SMVRR website. Man, I would have loved to do that Sacramento excursion. Oh, and the new ping pong table arrived. Tracy got it together but it was a bit too windy to try it out. And just a few minutes ago I ran into Fina in the hallway. But I didn't recognize her. She spent a couple hours getting all make-up'd out and went to the backyard to take selfies. What, is that a thing?

Slave wages for the kids.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 11

Kinda quiet. Lynn (and I) dropped off the 24 masks to the quilt guild gal doing the distribution. This followed a routine mammogram. Then a Starbucks stop in the car, gassing up the car, and a car wash on the way home. As we approached home, we spotted the kids playing on the same snow pile in the street as yesterday. The littles painted rocks for the Easter Rock Hunt. And did you know you can make Long Island Iced Tea with coconut rum!? Pina Tea? Longolada? Tonight it's cheese enchiladas from the Club. Then Lynn ran around the house snapping a few moments in time... Tonight's cinematic adventure: Sister Act and Sister Act 2.

Coloring Easter Rocks

24 masks