Monday, May 11, 2020

Day 60

Day 60! Need we say more? Fina and Nana made all kinds of progress on their quilt. PF Chang in Review for dinner, and Eggos. Tonight's movie: Ocean's Thirteen.

Nana and Fina's latest quilt project.
Nana and Papa had a Zoom gathering with the California clan for the
twin's upcoming birthday.  We gave them Twenty Questions to figure out
what was being delivered tomorrow. They got it in four. Aerospace engineer
Dad says he's going to have them assemble it. Well, help, at least.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Day 59

Happy Mother's Day! Don't miss this little Happy Mother's Day video. Thanks to Matt, both mothers got their preference for dinner: salmon and chicken. Movies today: Annie (2014) and Ocean's Twelve. Nana and Papa added Julie & Julia which was surprisingly good.

Tracy: "They all have different stories but they each made me a Mom
and I am so proud to be their Mother, whether for just a time or forever.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms I know."

First crack at the pattern.

AJ got this photo at Fox Run yesterday!

Let's do art with the baby's feet.

The twins did some very nice drawings.

Matt whipped up some eggs, bacon, and taters.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Day 58

Some errands. Some watering the yard. David, AJ, and Papa went for a hike and pond hunting to Fox Run Park (all the photos are here). The kitchen has a new ant farm. Dinner was grilled pork tenderloin and Brussels sprouts. Matt and Jamie spent a couple hours around the old propane fire pit on the new back patio and read scripts for the 1-Acts Contest that First Company Theater is conducting. Then the two watched Dennis Prager's Happiness speech.

She just had to try it on.

There's a skinny, worm-like critter inside the tube near the end.
It was very fast and very energetic, made it back to the water AOK.

A cooking show.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Day 57

The SLORep Intermission Show aired today with Fina dancing in it (May 8th, episode 16)! The ACT Spotlight segment starts at about 7:20. Click here to see her entire routine. Nana and Fina went to the fabric store! Matt cooked lasagna for dinner, and Tracy really, really wanted cauliflower. She got it, but it wasn't the Romanesco version, bummer. Tonight's movie: Ocean's Eleven.

He's lovin' Hunger Games. Assigned reading!

No, no... For Sunday...

The fountain was turned on today!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 56

Penultimate school day of the week. Only two more weeks to go, but who's counting?! Sorry, didn't get many pics today, but took a fair amount of video. Maybe you'll see some of it later. Serafina's joining a virtual chorus ("long distance music project") to do a song (TBD) led by Jeannie Robbins (music director for Sister Act that Jamie was in last Spring, among lots of other music/theater credits). Matt and Jamie joined the weekly TimberCreek Security and Safety Team virtual meeting which we we've been doing almost every Thursday at 5pm since this lockdown stuff began. Great group of guys and it sure is nice to stay "in touch" somehow. By my calculations, our little team of two has about 50 hours in and at least 125 hours to go to complete the Give! database cleanup project. PF Chang's for dinner! Tonight's movie: The Italian Job.

Fun with geometric shapes.

Jamie's first rehearsal take for Voices Beyond the Veil (Village Arts).

Parlor Car Chats. Got the go ahead after a test run today with a couple people.
A new program for the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum.