Saturday, April 27, 2019

Deck Recovery

For the first time in what seemed like a very long time, Matt and Papa had some deck time today. Tracy and Matt have been very busy, and Nana and Papa have had a lot of kid time. We've been using deck time lately to keep up with Uncle Jon's political podcast back in California called California Streaming, a new episode every Friday. I think they've done about forty-some weeks so far. "Three California natives taking a conservative look at California politics. Hop on the bullet train to no where..." It's hard to find humor in such a mess, but they manage to do it.  I took a few interesting weather shots from where I was sitting, and added a couple shots from recent times. There's also a shot or two in the last photo.

Easter dinner. Matt did all kinds of things with a full brisket,
including the brisket itself, burnt ends, and pastrami.
In the foreground are cucumber, dilled cream cheese, cherry tomato nibbles.
In the background are mashed potatoes and asparagus au gratin.

New glass?....

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