Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How Many Men...

How many men does it take to help a 3rd grader with her homework? Three, apparently. The issue at hand was "Is a galley a part of a ship or a location on a ship?" Had to pick one. Rob's caption was, "Her advanced quantum physics class homework is pretty challenging! I will not be sticking around for differential equations homework."

Saturday, February 1, 2014

From a Shower to a Tornado

The first of two events for the day was a baby shower for Jen. It was a grand time from the parasol decorations (Melodrama garage sale) to the outstanding truffles and baby headband manufacturing. Rumor has it that the baby's name is Clementine! All the photos: http://jf2.com/140201/

And then it was off to the theater for Wizard of Oz by Kelrik Productions at the Cuesta College Performing Arts Center. Wow! The show was fantastic! Such memorable characters make doing a convincing performance very difficult, and they pulled it off from top to bottom, from a "just right" Dorothy all the way to the most delightful 4-year-old Munchkin. Our 5yo Matteo was totally enthralled from beginning to end! It was a special delight for us to see several of our Sound of Music friends doing their thing again. Pictured at left are Tracy and Serafina chatting with Glinda (Allison King), the Good Witch of the North. She and Serafina were in Sound of Music together at the SLO Little Theatre.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Nobody Goes One for One

I auditioned for a play this past weekend - the father/mathematician role in "Proof" (more about the play here). The play was intriguing to me, and so was "Robert." My first theater audition. Ever. It's a little daunting to prepare and present "two contrasting monologues". I thought about backing out at the last minute, but realized this would be my only opportunity to show off what I'd put hours into. So I auditioned. Audience of one, the director. Felt surprisingly good. Afterward, I mentioned to a friend that I couldn't remember saying half the lines; he said that was a good sign. I didn't get the part; nobody goes one for one. Except Serafina.

Tangent: As chance would have it, I just read an article about the power of creativity, even over passion, for entrepreneur success. One of the ways to build creativity is to learn new hobbies, skills, etc. The article specifically mentions the arts: "but learning a new art form is one of the best methods to train the mind in developing creative problem-solving skills. The arts require the use of divergent thinking, which is the half of creative thought that is typically missing in corporate America" [full article].

Friday, January 10, 2014

Pinocchio Opens Tonight

I got to photograph again last night (Thursday) as well as Tuesday night. It was, of course, final dress rehearsal. They looked ready, able, and much more than willing! It's go time! Here are a few shots of our Village Teen / Puppet. Don't miss the show at the SLO Little Theatre, January 10-26, 2014.

Her cast-mates include a student of mine from SLOCA last year (far left)
and another returnee from Sound of Music (middle).
Serafina is far right.

Back to Theatrics...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Crunch Time for Pinocchio

It's "tech week". It's all coming together. Rehearsal every night leading up to Friday's opening at SLO Little Theater. A few more photos are here.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Biking Beginnings

 Six months ago if you would have told me it was possible to use biking as a means of transportation for a family with six kids who live down a step hill and long "country" road, I would have laughed in your face.  Probably in my not so Christian sarcastic manner asked you "What are you smoking?"

But if you told me that same thing today I would 100% agree because well we do it!  Why you ask?  Because one day I basically woke up and needed a change.  I wanted to take up biking, and do triathlons with my friend but didn't know how to start or what to do with the kids.  Then one day poking around on the internet I ran across a couple articles on biking families (mostly in Seattle area).  I began researching bikes and realized, if I had a cargo bike, I could bike with all my kids by myself and what better way to get in shape for a triathlon then training while pulling a ton of weight.

So I researched cargo bikes until my eyes popped out and decided that Yuba Mundo was going to be the best one to start with.  And boy was I ever right.  I love it.  It is so versatile and so safe with the kids, easy to maneuver, and can handle hills well.  My favorite part about it is the redesigned NuVinci 360 hub for shifting.  I don't have to think about changing gears or worry about losing a chain while I have the kids with me, you can even change gears while stopped.  Its pretty much awesome.

Here is my Mundo with the twins on it.  They absolutely love to go on the bike.  When I only have one peanut seat on they fight for who gets to ride there and who has to go in the trailer!!

Here is the Mundo with the trailer attached and one peanut seat off.  In this configuration I can literally take all 5 kids with Sam riding his bike by myself.  It is slow and heavy but can be done!  

I am also getting stronger which is good.  The trailer was a bit difficult to figure out how to attach, I ended up asking my brother (the aerospace engineer) to get'er done and he sure did!  I will have to take some close ups of it for another post.  

We have picked the kids up from school with bikes and rode to and from gymnastics and then just varies other rides for fun and or weekend activities. We haven't attempted morning drop of to school yet, with cold/rainy weather and then the holidays it just wasn't the right time for a first attempt but we will in January.  The commute to school is about 30 minutes and the commute home 45 minutes (home is all hill).  Round trip is eleven miles.  

Serafina loved it! (I don't know why it is snowing but I can't make it stop)
Its really fun when Janice comes along for the ride, which is most the time!  She is always up for taking a few pounds off my bike, here she pulled Serafina on the trail-a-bike, with AJ in the trailer!  You go girl.

Matt had the twins in a trailer which meant I only had Matteo, I felt spoiled all though my bike does weigh twice if not three times as much as theirs.  But who's keeping score

Here is our fleet of bikes all lined up after another ride to the Voler outlet store for some great deals!!  I had the twins on the Mundo, Matt pulled Matteo on the trail-a-bike and Janice pulled AJ in the trailer.  (Serafina was at rehearsal!)  

Loving the shadow.

The boys ready to cruise.

Riding the Railroad Safety Trailer into SLO on Christmas eve.  Matteo and Serafina got to ride their bikes along the safety trailer but then when we hit the streets of downtown we locked up their bikes and they had to get on ours until we headed back down the trail.  So much fun and so great to see Matteo and Serafina get a chance to ride, they were loving it (ok Matteo loved it, Serafina not so much but she is getting better).

And sometimes after you do a 20 mile + ride with your BFF you have to stop for Milk shakes and fries and village grill, right?!?

So if you ever wanted to bike and thought you couldn't, maybe you should think again!!

Some more photos: click here.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Foster Christmas

We had the Foster Christmas Saturday evening - meaning Nana and Papa and all their descendants. Very traditional menu: prime rib, 7-layer salad, twice-baked potatoes, and ice cream with caramel syrup for dessert. OK, the caramel ice cream was a little different, but a big hit. We tried a new prime rib cooking process. Very simple. Not-sure-it-could-work simple. But it worked well - process. All photos: http://JF2.com/131228/