Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 13

We did our first drive-by-a-teachers-house to pick up a packet. I'm expecting a music drop-off to accompany a video of last year's Stations of the Cross that I'm making for this Easter season. Nana had quite a bit of help assembling the last Adirondack chair for the front garden area (note that weeping spruce in the background!). There were more Easter Rocks painted and even a few hidden in the backyard. And card games. And baseball throwing practice. And Fina decided to tackle making her own bag. Oh, and AJ received his first MEL Chemistry kit in the mail and Tracy got a supplies package for what she's got cookin' for TimberCreek Kids this Easter. If you hadn't caught on yet, the photos in these "DAY X" posts aren't necessarily in chronological order.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 12

I know it's Day 12, but it might as well have been Day 13 for as weird as it was. Nana successfully commandeered the kids for some housecleaning. Bribery. A few quarters and Starbucks. But Starbucks screwed up the order. AJ's order. Which didn't sit well and from which we never really did recover despite Tracy going back to get the correct drink. Dinosaurs were fighting in the kids' hallway. We had Rice Krispy Treats for dinner. We did have Chick-fil-a for lunch, and actually got more than we bargained for as they gave us another Jamie's order and then couldn't take it back. It was OK, though, plenty of food and on our way there Matt mailed a package and we got restocked on booze. Little did we know how much that would help. I got two pages of story/photos posted on the Friends of the SMVRR website. Man, I would have loved to do that Sacramento excursion. Oh, and the new ping pong table arrived. Tracy got it together but it was a bit too windy to try it out. And just a few minutes ago I ran into Fina in the hallway. But I didn't recognize her. She spent a couple hours getting all make-up'd out and went to the backyard to take selfies. What, is that a thing?

Slave wages for the kids.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 11

Kinda quiet. Lynn (and I) dropped off the 24 masks to the quilt guild gal doing the distribution. This followed a routine mammogram. Then a Starbucks stop in the car, gassing up the car, and a car wash on the way home. As we approached home, we spotted the kids playing on the same snow pile in the street as yesterday. The littles painted rocks for the Easter Rock Hunt. And did you know you can make Long Island Iced Tea with coconut rum!? Pina Tea? Longolada? Tonight it's cheese enchiladas from the Club. Then Lynn ran around the house snapping a few moments in time... Tonight's cinematic adventure: Sister Act and Sister Act 2.

Coloring Easter Rocks

24 masks

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 10

Mask production continues at the kitchen table (in the sweat shop). The family attended church remotely via Facebook Live. The Reguscis all took a nice walk outside this afternoon, then bunkered in with popcorn to watch Onward (new Pixar movie). We were going to do pick-up from the Club for dinner, but they ran out of prime rib. Spaghetti it is! And with the setting sun comes a little sledding on the snow plow's hill.

There are two dogs there.

Got a couple dozen "in the baggies" now.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 9

The big project of the day was making medical masks to donate (instructions, these masks are really easy to make.  If you don't have access to elastic, use 15" fabric strips, or grosgrain ribbon then the masks tie behind the head, rather than slip over the ears. Thank you to Chris Scott for posting this info). But there was also a game of Harry Potter Clue (which I like even more than regular Clue), exercise, car painting, and the care and feeding of tomato plants from School in the Woods (we went out there today in small numbers at a time to pick up stuff AJ might need, like winter coats). The car in front of us at Starbucks this morning bought our order, so we bought the order of the car behind us later this afternoon. Oh, and today, Tracy and Matt installed a bidet in one of the bathrooms. We had a "premier bidet matinee!" (per Matt). We no longer care about TP hoarding.

Mask materials

Ironing the mask fabric

First mask is done!

More GoNoodle

Friday, March 20, 2020

Day 8

Nana taught AJ a little about running a sewing machine today. He was also very curious about how a sewing machine works. And in the process, AJ made himself a baseball pillow case. Matteo joined in for some piecing of a quilt. And GoNoodle continues to be a favorite exercise activity.

Jonny was paying attention to the HO trains on the wall.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day 7

Snow Day! That takes on a whole new meaning when you're home anyway. Fina baked the cookies last night. Tracy started decorating for Easter. And Matteo made dinner, spaghetti, along with Nana's garlic bread. It was still snowing when we went to bed. As the last activity of the day, we watched Outbreak. Fina had a school project to watch a movie and talk about the 6 story elements put forth out by Aristotle.

Crushing it!