Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 20

Colorado Governor announces schools will be closed through April 30th. Hunker on down! So, today was some more schooling, devices, etc., much like yesterday. Lunch from Bad Daddy's Burgers, a fave. Hard to beat the Build Your Own. Fina scores some makeup. Papa learned about Sound Tapestries. Ever see a "CostCo for Dogs"? Look below.

Let There Be Light.
This was an organized effort to show support for doctors, nurses, etc.

Fina made the signs for TimberCreek Kids bag distribution.
Matt ordered the grains for "prepping."

Walk down memory lane with old pics.

If those don't look like SLOCA grids...

Exchanging money in the Classroom.

Sound Tapestry. Draw what it sounds like.

Lexi built a "CostCo for Dogs," maintaining social distance, of course.
The rolled up paper is her megaphone. 
Lynn said the dogs were actually paying attention and
following her as she led them up and down the “aisles!”

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 19

Lexi was very excited to start the day with our Royal Crest dairy delivery. Only it was the orange juice she was excited about. Love having a milkman again, particularly one who also has juices, bagels, butter, creams of various kinds, eggs, coffee, bread, and more! Computer time for home schooling was popular this morning. Math and Yoga online are pictured below. Tracy has all the bags for her TimberCreek Kids ready to go. The twins' reading today was about drums, their significance around the world - so we got out some drums. We picked up at Kneaders for lunch and Matt cooked steaks for dinner. Fosters filed their tax returns about 2 weeks ahead of the regular date and 3.5 months ahead of the COVID-19 deadline. It's normally an April 15th event. Champagne! An interesting note about trash since we've been staying at home: it's increased, dramatically. Now that everything's coming to the house in boxes and we're not leaving some amount of trash at restaurants, etc. we don't fit in our two cans (regular and recycle) very well.

This coming Sunday is...

Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 18

Last day of "Spring Break." Tomorrow it's back to home. Lunch from Vaqueros. Lite dinner. Movies this evening: The Watch, and Delivery Man. It was a Vince Vaughn night.

Popular with the animals.

That's not hoarding. That's meals and supplies for 11.

Lynn's first online exercise class.

Unloading the car Tracy filled up.

AJ and crew set up his new terrarium.

Practice style setup.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 17

Breakfast of waffles thanks to Tracy's hankerin'. We attended church online again; that's Fina giving the service a woop-woop. Fina made her own boba (made what?). AJ got the mail using his motorcycle. Today's game was Monopoly: Ultimate Bank edition. Progress continues on Tracy's puzzle. And Fina carts some groceries in the 2nd bag she made (with Nana). I hear the boys are going out for some ping pong (50 degrees, better not be windy). It's grilled chicken for dinner. And even the dogs are napping heavily. Tonight's movies: Heat and Tag. We closed the day with a little French bubbly.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 16

Matt whipped up eggs sunny side up, cheese and bacon omelettes, and fried polenta (remember Day 14) for breakfast. Nana and the boys finished up the quilt they've been working on, so off to the quilter hopefully today (porch drop). Lexi asked me what my favorite color was - green. So she drew me the picture below of me (top left) and here (top right) in an alpine forest, I think. Nana and Fina worked on a second tote bag while watching another Hunger Games movie. Fina got into toilet decorating and the boys continued with big screen game playing.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 15

First day of the 3rd week. We're definitely hanging in there. Scroll down through the pics for a gander at what we were up to today. We had ice cream delivered this evening! And tonight's movies? Hunger Games 1 and 2.

Monopoly by cards.

SITW tomatoes are doing very well.

Quilt work continued

Lynn's new sewing room became a beehive, momentarily.

Fina spent much of the day doing song parodies

The new ping pong table got a little workout.

The twins love these magnetic blocks. Been using for years.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 14

Sorry, not many pics. Still in the middle of Spring break, which just means the kids don't have as much school stuff to do as "normal." There's still 30 minutes of reading and math stuff, but after that it's just enrichment, and games, and devices. Matt decided it was time to make polenta. Afterall, it's been 30-some years. And it must have beef stew to go with. The Shutterfly photobook of Cheap Date arrived today! And we dropped Megan's off next door; they loved it. All the pillows for the new patio furniture arrived, too, along with some liquid soap.