Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 29

Good Friday. Checkout this video: Stations of the Cross (description/credits in the YouTube comments below the video). Ultimate school day for the week; I saw a number of quizzes, tests, and the like scheduled online with teachers. Some chess, some keeping in touch, some deliveries, some science. Smashburger for dinner. Movie with kids: Trolls World Tour. Movie without kids: Napoleon Dynamite.

Nana and Papa set out Easter Bunny.
Lexi added Easter Bunny's friends.

Revolutionary Chess

Matteo's friends are keeping in touch

The twins made various size balls and rolled them down inclined planes. Science!

Delivering TimberCreek Easter Bags and signs.

Tomatoes are growing!

Jamie's very appropriate sweatshirt.

Jamie and Lynn recorded a Happy Easter wish to the TimberCreek folks.

Fina made Lynn a green latte.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 28

Today was the penultimate school day of the week. Tonight we had a Zoom gathering of the church Safety and Security Team; checking in with each other. Jamie got to try out his new Blue "Snowball" microphone in a telecon setting. He used it earlier today to record an audio audition for a part in an audio production of Agamemnon at Counterweight. Tracy found this gem: go to the O'Reilly Auto Parts website and search for "121G". Hey, I think we skipped dinner. And where are the kids? And did you say Matt put a banana in his thingy? Tonight's movie: When Do We Eat, a rather irreverent look at a family's Passover Seder. It's Maundy Thursday; check out Stations of the Cross (video), credits in the description.

Wheatgrass and chai are growing!

20-minute line to drop off packages.

Gym class.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 27

More school stuff, including a run out to School in the Woods for some supplies AJ needs to do his pond project. One of Matteo's assignments was to build a model of the layers of the Earth. Yes, an edible model is OK. And the new Regusci van was delivered to the house! And more outdoor play. And devices (after homework). A few more masks were made. Lunch was from the French Kitchen (a Lynn fave) and dinner is coming from Olive Garden (a Tracy fave). Tracy had a case of fatalism this evening (per Matt), and a pitcher of pina colada (per all of us, we saw it).

The slide Matteo built to turn in.
From bottom up: Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, and Crust

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 26

Second warm day in a row. Really warm. Warm enough for outdoor water play! And warm enough to gather around the new fire pit in the evening for an inaugural marshmallow roast with the whole fam damily. The two Moms agreed to let Fina give them a makeover. It was also back-to-school day (we do homeschooling Tuesday-Friday). Monday is a teacher work day district-wide. Matt's making pork fried rice for dinner. The big project of the evening was prepping Easter deliveries for TimberCreek Church. They are door hangers for each family that includes a bag of candy and a couple stones to "roll away from the tomb" and decorate. While roasting marshmallows, we discovered two more lights outside that we don't know how to turn on. Tonight's movie (while making door hangers): Pitch Perfect 3.

Fina made Birthday Cake Cookie Cake last night.

They're wondering if maybe there can be too much human time.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 25

We mailed masks to California, Pennsylvania, and continued distributing them locally. Matt and I also made a masked trip to Lowe's to pick up some hog wire to seal the puppies in at various locations where they've found escape opportunities. Fina did some sidewalk chalk drawings to brighten the day for passers-by. Lexi took a shot at dog "brooming." Fina chose today, Day 25, to give Lexi a makeover! Dinner from Chipotle. Tonight's movie: Hangover.

Jamie started "work" today at IndyGive. It's an online, collaborative, fundraising effort with about 100 Pikes Peak region nonprofits joining in. He first read about IndyGive on a poster at Springs Ensemble Theatre (SET) talking about how SET had received six figures of income that year being part of IndyGive. In total, IndyGive raised about $1.6 million last year for local nonprofits. Jamie's helping to cleanup their database of donors, participants, staff, volunteers, partners, etc.

Sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag is a thing.

Masks away!

Dog "brooming"