Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 38

It was a relatively quiet day today. The kids snuck in a little outdoor play, but the weather threatened rain. The rest of the week is supposed to be fairly warm, even into the 60s. Breakfast was a mixture of Wendy's and Starbucks. We attended church online as usual. Matt grilled up some chicken legs for dinner. Lots of reading. Jamie got a couple hundred database records de-duped for IndyGive. Fina's high school church buds got together via Zoom. Tonight's TV viewing: Schitt$ Creek.

You should see what AJ can do on this contraption!

Fair amount of electronics today.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 37

Matt's omelettes for breakfast. USAF Academy graduation day. There was a Thunderbird flyover, but we missed it. Fortunately, I knew it was only a flyover and not a full-on air show, so I prepared this slide show video to share. Jamie's big deal for the day was an online conference by the Center for Railroad Photography and Art. Jonny and Matt enjoyed it along the way, too. We did a drive-by farewell party for one of our church pastors who's moving to Florida, taco style! Matt did brisket for dinner. Jamie and Lynn did a Zoom conference with Vicki and Rob this evening. Got rowdy enough that the Reguscis had to close the door to our suite. Somehow the topic of Lynn's Dad being connected to Rob's Mic-O-Say Boy Scout organization came up. Rob managed to dig up Robob's note card from 1944.

Waiting for the Thunderbird flyover. We missed it.

Lynn finished the foster baby's forever quilt.
Flannel piecing, satin edges, soft cuddle back.

After the boys had already poop-scooped, Matt planted some sausages...

Seen on the way to the drive-by party.

This painting popped up in the one art-related session of the CPR&A conference.
Turns out the subject is the coal mine in Shamokin, PA, the town where my
grandmother lived her entire life. Visited and played there many a time.
Don't miss the Coney Island Hot Dogs downtown;
still looks exactly as I remember it. More on To Shiny Rails.

Prepping for the drive-by farewell.

Jonny watched one of the conference sessions with me.

Tracy: A year ago when we were finishing up the final house check list for our
foster care license here in CO - never in a million years did I think a year later we would
have our first CO placement, medically fragile baby, in the middle of a global pandemic.
It has be an adventure! But we remind ourselves every day God is Good!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 36

Much better at the pond today (but not as good as Day 34). Sushi Ato for lunch. Tacos and Watermelon Margaritas from the Club for dinner, yum! Tonight's movie: Fool's Gold. During the President's COVID-19 briefing today we got word that SLO County (California) was going to remain locked down until May 16 and that Crater Lake Lodge would be closed through June 11. There went Nana and Papa's trip to the west coast in May. We're thinking August...

Spent some zoondoogles at the Hope and Home store today!



Lexi art: click on the pic to enlarge so you can read the writing.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 35

Bitter cold and snowy. It's amazing how much colder 28 degrees can feel on one day compared to 28 degrees on another day. And AJ chose to visit the pond again today (see pics from yesterday, at the bottom). We didn't last very long, but we did get Starbucks on the way home. Tonight's movie: Little Fockers (which completes the series). Homemade burritos for dinner, thanks Matt!

Part of AJ's reading list, Hoot.

AJ's math

Twins' math

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 34

Another school day. A very productive one, in fact. Even Lexi got some lessons in. Check out the pics at the bottom: AJ's pond project from school. Chicken piccata for dinner. The dishwasher's software was successfully updated. Tonight's movie: Meet the Fockers. Fina said she finished the internet!

How long has it been!?

The plants were knee high to a grasshopper when all this started.

Every darn evening when we're trying to relax.

Tracy has developed x-ray vision.

Tracy said I should caption this: "my favorite bitches."

Chicken piccata and asparagus

Pizza Friday. We couldn't wait.

"Raining" zoondoogles.

Currency at Hope and Home.

AJ took us "ponding" today. An SITW project.