Friday, November 9, 2012


The number 6 seems so harmless. 

We have been 6 Regusci's for 2 years now.

It is simply 1 more then 5.

It is half a dozen.

Harmless right?

Unless it is 6 kids.

That all belong to you.

The other day after church Matt and I decide to walk to downtown with our 6 kids and have lunch.  We quickly learned that we were the highlight of many people.  It started with us crossing the crosswalk and man walking towards us was verbally, as in out loud, counting "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!"  As we passed Sam said "He just counted us!"  Yes yes he did.

Then as we were sitting eating our lunch, in which the kids were well behaved, every body in the store was literally staring at us.  And not the we are trying not to stare at you stare but blatantly staring.  As if having 6 kids gives other the right to watch you.  Matt even caught the eyes of a few people who smiled, "yeah were staring at you smiles" It seriously cracked me up to no end. 

Their kids people. 

Kids in stair step birth order.

Not sextuplets just bothers and sisters with parents.

Small Humans.

I guess it is official we are the family with ALL those kids. 


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What? You Adopted?

The phrase we have heard the most since adopting the boys is:

"I didn't know you were looking to adopted!"

To which I respond:

"Neither did I"

We were not looking to adopt.   But God had other plans and through a bunch of random coincidences in life we found ourselves once again heading down the road of adoption.

The short story of how this came to be: Three years ago we change churches.  I decided to take the nursery job at our church. Though the church and my job I become good friends with others who foster and adopt.  We decided to form an adoption/foster support group. (my eldest is adopted).  One day someone mentioned that they heard a set of twins in need of a home, just a passing comment in the middle of a conversation about foster care.

But that comment sat with me and sat with me.  And I prayed and talked with Matt and prayed and then....

I sent an e-mail the adoption agency and two weeks later we were chosen by the birth parents to adopt their babies.   

So in away I feel like adoption choose us.   Matt and I have always been open to growing our family in what ever way God presents and it is amazing what He will do.

It really was all so fast it is kind of a blur. 

The babies were born at 25wk and through a variety of unfortunate circumstances the birth parents who love the boys dearly made the best decision for the babies and that was adoption.  The rest of that story is for my boys. 

But by this point the boys were 2 months and the NICU was desperate to get a family in their holding the babies, loving on them and learning how to care for them before they were discharged.   And that's were we came in.

Matt holding Jonathan for the first time

Within days we went from no thought of adoption to daily visits to the NICU, filling out an incredible amount of paper work, scraping together the finances and preparing our house not only for bring home twins but also to be certified as a foster home for the in term between the babies being released and our adoption paperwork being filled out and filed (totally complicated since we didn't have a home study or anything).

Nana holding both boys for the first time (until now she had only held one at a time)
Aunt Karlee came along to hospital to help hold babies too!
Mama holding Jonathan with no tubes or oxygen for the first time.  Still had monitors but this was a big day!!!

There were so many sleepless nights I am surprised we survived, but we did get the house ready and the paper work done in time for David's release from the hospital.  Which then presented a whole new set of problems.  With one twin home and one twin at the NICU I was now having to leave one to go see the other.  And not just anyone could or wanted to watch my little 5lb baby that seemed more breakable then he was.   

Since the kids are not allowed in the NICU this was the first time they got to meet David.

But God is good and two weeks later we brought Jonathan home and with that started our "private" life as a family of 8.  Because we were under foster care laws we couldn't share the babies with the world yet. 
David and  Jonathan together at home!!

And that was the beginning of our 5 months on the roller coaster that is adoption.

The Birds, the Bees... and the Seeds?

Today I was running errands with Serafina and Matteo... The two of them got into a discussion about where babies come from.  Serafina, with all of the knowledge and authority of a seven-year-old, informed Matteo: “If you are a girl you have tiny seeds inside of you.  As you grow, the seeds grow.  Then one day the seed cracks open and a baby is born!  We were all seeds in Mommy’s tummy. I was the first one to crack open, then you, then AJ.”  “Oh, I see,” exclaimed Matteo.  Then he asked, “Are there any more seeds in Mommy?” Serafina responded, “Only God knows that,” then looked at me with an expression asking for affirmation.  What can a Nana do with that conversation? Just smile knowing that Serafina’s answer is perfect for their concrete minds – out of the mouths of babes!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

All Aboard! for Matteo's Birthday

Serafina was the first to point out, in a rather disgusted tone, that this was the 5th year in a row of celebrating Matteo's birthday riding trains. Smart cookie, that Matteo!

All the photos:

Friday, November 2, 2012

Our Secret Revealed

We've been keeping a secret.

(From the world-wide-web.)

Don't worry, it's a good secret.  (Are there good secrets?!?)

Some of you have all ready clued into it.

It's awesome news.

And we can share it today!

Them, not it. 

They're two little boys. 

Two sweet sweet little twin boys whom Matt and I started to visit in the NICU 7 months ago.  We fell in love and brought them home.   It's been a long, crazy, exciting, heart wrenching journey up to this point, which we will share with you over the next few months, but today we signed the official adoption papers in front of the judge so we can officially share the boys with you. Finally.

Without further ado, the newest members of the Regusci Clan:

Jonathan and David Regusci
1lb 12oz and 2lbs
12inch long
(pictured at age 6 months)
First trip to the pumpkin patch

Tracy with the boys in the NICU the boys are 3 months here.

Serafina holding David for the first time.
Jonathan tube free in the NICU for the first time! 
He came home a few weeks later.

All the kids on the 4th of July.

All the kids at the pumpkin patch.

Our happy "little" family.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in the Village

Halloween is quite the event in the Village of Arroyo Grande. The street is closed off, and hordes of trick-or-treaters descend upon the merchants who are all too willing to deposit some goodies in their bags. We showed up in force. Not just the Compound crew, oh no. Trev and Jen came with their lady bug and lion, and Jeanette and Andy came with the Star Wars family. What a hoot!

All the photos are here:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

AJ on a Roll

He was in a mood to make faces. Unfortunately, we didn't catch the best ones, but still...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sign Here

Amy Allen from Family Connections Christian Adoptions did the coolest thing. She held a signing ceremony for all the kids in preparation for the imminent event. Very sweet, very moving. Lynn wasn't the only one welling up. The twins were asleep; they'll have to sign at another time. Each certificate was personalized, and spot on; Amy knows them very well.

All the pics:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last Day at Far Western Tavern in Guad

Rob and I managed to catch lunch at the famous Far Western Tavern on its last day of business in Guadalupe. The amazing part was that we happened to be there, quite coincidentally, for the motorcycle ride through the bar! Here are some other now very historical photos:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pumpkins Everywhere!

There is nothing like a trip to the Nipomo Pumpkin Patch! This is our third year, and it gets better every year. Believe them when they say it takes a good-sized truck to get some of their bigger pumpkins home.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jen's Birthday Dinner

We were only a little late getting Jen's birthday celebrated this year. But thank goodness everyone understands that we rarely hit the exact day. Trevor came over a little early to help us get a jump on the cooking and the wine drinking. It was a familiar French bill-o-fare: Peppered steaks in a creamy mushroom sauce, leeks au gratin, a fresh garden salad including avacado, candied walnuts, and a cilantro dressing, yummy bread and butter, and apple tart. Oh, and we threw in some Banana's Foster for good measure.

All the photos:

Do You Take Cream or Sugar?

The man knows exactly how he likes his coffee. He'll fix it himself, thank you very much. Yes, that's real coffee. And yes, he's good for at least one full cup at McLintock's.

Robob took the whole gang to McLintock's for breakfast today, and we were even down one adult (Matt was in Colorado on business). Brave soul!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Threshing Bee

When was the last time you attended a threshing bee? Yeah, we had never been to one before either. What a hoot! And why did we not know about this Jack Creek Farms place?! Very fun, very family place to visit. And they have events happening all the time; at least it seems like that for Fall anyway.

At left, a little wheat grinding.

Here are our photos from today:

Friday, September 7, 2012

While you're in the air...

When we were in the car yesterday Serafina was describing how to do a front flip. "First you dive forward, then when you are in the air living the good life, you focus and land on your feet!" Could more truer words be spoken?


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wineries and the Greats

Great grandfathers, that is. We visited a couple wineries today with two great grandfathers!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bob Jones Trail

While Tracy and Matt were out celebrating their tenth anniversary, the rest of the family and some of the Phillips family joined us for us a hike down the Bob Jones Trail, some play time at the Avila park, and dinner from the Hula Hut. What a day!

All the photos:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Worst Combination of Kids at Costco... AJ. Or so Tracy quipped at lunch today. We about split a gut, and it reminded us of the pics we took one day at Costco with the aforementioned child. (This picture was taken last December.)

Music Stand = Belt It Out

The next thing we knew... AJ walked up to the music stand (American Girl size) sitting on the coffee table and started belting out "Jesus Loves Me"! Don't you start belting out songs whenever you see a music stand!?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

American Girl "Gymnapstics"

Serafina is very excited about her new American Girl gymnastics equipment. She says, "First day of gymnapstics (sic) for McKenna. Do you wanna go?!" Coach Serafina lends a hand. Serafina's now got McKenna off doing balance beam and floor exercises...

Back to School

Look out schools, here they come!

The Complete Back-to-School Photo

Up 'til now you've only seen the version with the twins cropped out. Here's the whole picture, and nothing but the picture...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Business and Pleasure

Santa Maria Valley Railroad Business Special to Seattle
August 9-14, 2012

Sometimes it all comes together. Like when you realize you've made your fun stuff be also your business stuff. We got a chance to do some business, plan some strategies, think long term; and play tourist a little, too! We even pulled our technical wizardry together enough for Rob to "run the railroad remotely".

Once you go private railcar, you'll never go back (or want to go back). OK, I'll go back as often as I can, but still. Private railcar is a first class experience from back in the days when first class really meant something. I don't mean 3-piece suits, though there was a tie now and then. And we interacted more like family and friends than business associates. Or maybe that's the best kind of business associates - family and friends. It was also that we were totally spoiled with fabulous meals, made up beds, "cruise directors", and drink servers who also became friends as the trip unfolded.

And Papa Bill got to join in on this one, too. You remember Papa Bill, a Compound Living great granddad who gets to be out here a couple months each year (from Kansas). He's been a train lover all his life, enjoying all scales from HO to garden to 12 inches to the foot. Riding, running, or modeling.

Lynn was all set to come along, too, until we realized that she had to be back at school the day before we left. Bummer. We'll schedule that better next time.

There are 6 web pages of photos:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things

by Nana

At age 4, Matteo is at the age of absolutes and his take on the world cracks us up daily. For instance...

1. Robob encounters Matteo out in the garden busily stirring a concoction of water and “stuff” you can only imagine. When he asked Matteo what he was doing, he seriously replied, “Making dirt.” Thank goodness. I was worrying that at the rate the boys were bringing dirt into the house we would soon run out of it in the garden.

2. Today after his bath, Matteo was struggling to put a dry shirt on his wet body.  I suggested it might help to dry off first.  Matteo informed me that God has given him “special” skin that stays dry in the water so he doesn’t drown and die.  It also magically dries when he gets out of the water so he doesn’t need a towel.  Thanks, God.

3. AJ is at a stage where everything in the world is “scary.” Some fears are understandable. Nono (his “other” grandpa) turns on an electric drill and AJ runs for cover in the nearest closet.  But other things like the airplanes flying overhead are also “scary.”  So the daily mantra from AJ as he explores his world is “It’s scary,” and we respond sometimes with an explanation of what “it” is and negating or justifying the fear. Other times we just respond with “no, it’s okay.”  However we respond, AJ will end the conversations with “it’s okay,” and go on with his day – the “scary” factor is now okay.  Too bad we can’t all let go of the “scaries” we encounter daily with the same grace and ease of a two-year-old.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Chopsticks, You Say?

This was David's and Jonathan's first trip to Raku, a favorite Japanese restaurant in Grover Beach. They found chopsticks intriguing...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hold On!

The big activity at a birthday party that Serafina attended today was riding a "quad". When I dropped her off, the Mom asked me if it was OK if Serafina rode a quad during the event. Thinking she'd be behind some adult driving, I said sure. When I came to pick her up, this is what I found. The girls were running the new quad around by themselves. Serafina's eyes were about the size of saucers as she mounted up, but she did manage to "pulse" her way around the back yard. A little burst, then near stop, another little burst (of courage, mostly), then stop... repeat.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Down Where It's Wetter, Under the Sea...

Serafina's drama camp culminated in a performance of "The Little Mermaid, Jr.", a 1-hour abridged version of the full-length Disney show. What a hoot! Serafina has been talking about little else for the last two weeks. "And I've got to run in and out in between everyone without crashing into anyone!" "And we have to do make-up!" I guess that's your job when you're a fish...


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Otter Pop !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tracy caught it on film... AJ desperate to get the new fridge door open. He couldn't do it the traditional way (feet on the floor), so he dreamed up this approach, including all the requisite grunting and groaning to go with it. Try as he might, though... No Otter Pop.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Papas Are Allowed

Papas are always allowed to spoil grandkids at Cool Cat Cafe on the way home from drama camp. Next up is gymnastics, so the calories will be well used. Too bad Papa won't get all his calories processed so readily.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bundles of Love - and They're Labeled Thus !



Mini Me

Serafina exclaims, "Look, I'm a mini Papa!"

And yes, that's duct tape on the Uggs. I love those Uggs.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh Deer

We had some company on the golf course!

And I managed to nail a bird. Accidentally, of course, I'm not that good a golfer.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yes You Can Roast a Marshmallow on a Decorative Fire

Matteo had no trouble at all roasting marshmallows on Robob's new outdoor table with a "fireplace" in the middle. Four-year-olds can be very flexible, or is that resourceful, or is it just plain child-ish?

You be the judge.