Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Day 314

It was so windy overnight that the Reguscis stuck the washcloth in the sliding door to keep the door from "singing." The trip to Matteo's bus stop was in a dust storm, a tan-out, if you will. And Jamie spent a little while pulling all the patio pillows in from the plant beds and putting the wagon back in its place. Matt and Jamie had some of Walter's great chicken wings for lunch. Lynn may have joined us except she was leading her book club's discussion today and she was getting ready. You should have seen the tower of thick books she used to get her computer up to comfortable Zoom level (I know, I should have got a pic). We also Zoomed with Vickie and Rob for about 90 minutes, mostly just catching up and maybe a tiny bit of trip scheming. CostCo lasagna for dinner. Tonight's movie was really a documentary about the woman code breaker of two world wars and prohibition: The Code Breaker (Elizabeth Smith Friedman).

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